Tag: <span>cancer</span>

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What Does Early Oral Cancer Feel Like?

What Does Early Oral Cancer Feel Like?

The National Institute of Health’s Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR) says that oral cancer makes up about three percent of all cancers diagnosed each year in the United States, with roughly 53,000 new cases annually. In fact, research has shown that an average of one person dies every hour of every day from oral cancer. ...

Is There a Link Between UV Light Teeth Whitening and Cancer?

Is There a Link Between UV Light Teeth Whitening and Cancer?

Teeth whitening at the dentist, or even with some at-home kits, is often a two-part process. Along with a bleaching agent that is applied to the teeth, an instrument called a curing light is moved over the teeth to help activate the chemicals. Because some curing lights use UV technology (others are halogen or LED),...