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What Counts as a Dental Emergency?

What Counts as a Dental Emergency?

This piece was originally posted on May 11, 2020. How can you determine if your problem is a dental emergency or if it can wait? Many patients have the mindset that a toothache can go away on its own or be fixed with ibuprofen, but what if the pain persists? Find out what counts as...

How to Overcome Dental Anxiety

How to Overcome Dental Anxiety

How to Overcome Dental Anxiety If you have anxiety about visiting the dentist, it’s important to know that you are not alone. Whether it’s the thought of needles and drills or just pain in general, many adults experience fear and stress when it’s time for dental work. In fact, dental anxiety is the fifth most...

Are Veneers and Bonding the Same Thing?

Are Veneers and Bonding the Same Thing?

Two common ways patients look to improve their smile are teeth bonding and veneers. Each procedure offers its own benefits, and both are effective ways to improve the appearance of one’s teeth. This blog will discuss each treatment in detail, the upsides and drawbacks, and the long-term implications.  What Is Bonding?  In the bonding process,...

What is a Palate Expander?

What is a Palate Expander?

The journey to a straighter, healthier smile involves various orthodontic tools, each playing a unique role in the transformation process. Let’s focus on the palate expander–what exactly is this device, does it hurt, and how does it contribute to the alignment of your teeth?  What is a palate expander? A palate expander is a dental...

Best Toothpaste for Pregnant Women

Best Toothpaste for Pregnant Women

Best Toothpaste for Pregnant Women  There are probably few groups of people as inquisitive about healthy practices as expectant mothers, and one question we hear a lot is about the best toothpaste to use when pregnant. Some moms are concerned about safety. Others find that their favorite toothpaste now makes them nauseated. So, what is...

Can You Get Dental X-Rays When Pregnant?

Can You Get Dental X-Rays When Pregnant?

While pregnant women often receive a long list of things to avoid to keep their baby safe and healthy, dental x-rays are not on that list. Today, dental x-rays during pregnancy are considered safe.  The amount of radiation used during an x-ray in the mouth is very low, and dentists take precautions, such as using...

How Much Does it Cost to Get a Cavity Filled?

How Much Does it Cost to Get a Cavity Filled?

Post updated from original publishing date January 14, 2018. The Cost of Getting a Cavity Filled: Average Prices by Filling Material If you have  a dental cavity, chances are you have questions. And your biggest question may be “How much does it cost to get a cavity filled?” The short answer is: It depends on...

How Long Do Dental Fillings Last?

How Long Do Dental Fillings Last?

The expense, time investment, and discomfort associated with getting a filling will have you wondering how long your dental fillings last. No one wishes to revisit the dentist’s chair sooner than necessary. By carefully selecting the right type of filling from the start and practicing good dental hygiene, you can significantly extend the life of...

What is a “Flipper Tooth?” When Should I Consider One?

What is a “Flipper Tooth?” When Should I Consider One?

If you have lost or have a severely damaged tooth, your dentist will probably recommend dental restoration. A solution for filling an empty space while you wait for a permanent bridge or denture is a “flipper tooth.” Find out the details of how a flipper tooth works, when you should consider one, and why it’s...